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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"Avada Cadabra!" you scream and point your finger at Freddie's head. There is a great flash, a blinding ball of green light, and then... silence...

Freddie stands there, his large eyes boring into you.

"HA HA!" he snorts, "WHAT A NERD!" He chuckles and chortles uproariously for ten seconds, then falls forward onto his blubbery stomach, foaming at the mouth.

"BOOM!" the school shakes as he hits the stone floor.

"EARTHQUAKE!" Freddie's two sidekicks start running around in circles, flailing their arms and squealing their heads off, "EARTHQUAKE!"

It seems the tremors of Freddie's landing still run through the school, because the building continues to shake. Your heart stops as you hear a terrible roar echoing through the halls.

"THE TITAN!" some wacky-haired teacher screams, "THE TITAN IS LOOSE!"

You scratch your head and wonder what the devil is going on.
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