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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"The Titan? Oh my GAWD!" you scream and bolt down the hall to the nearest window. In the perfect form of a swan dive, you crash through a beautiful stained glass window and into the open air. Normally, the fall would have killed you, but luck seems to be near for once. You land, "KERSPLUNK!" into the school moat, taking in a large gulp of human sewage and toilet paper ('tis where all of the sewage goes; no enemy army would dare cross it). You rise up to the surface, shoot the muck out of your mouth like a fountain, and take a deep breath. As you struggle to get out of the "water", a dark shadow falls over you. You freeze as a deep, low rumble reaches your ears.


You turn around slowly. Towering over you like a mountain is the largest gingerbread man you have ever seen. If a second Branblod school was to be put on top of the highest turret, it still wouldn't reach the height of this monster.

"MMMMMMmmmmm... GGGOOOODDDIIIEEEE!" The Gingerbread man reaches down, grabs you and stuffs your struggling body down its throat. It then rubs its tummy, licks its lips and smiles.
End Of Story