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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You follow the man through the gates on your donkey and into the doorway, ducking your head to avoid the beam. The headmaster whips around when he hears the mule's hooves on the stone floor.

"No, you stupid git!" His face turns beet red, "Get that blasted donkey out of here!"

You quickly urge your mule back out the door, unfortunately bumping the back of your head on the beam.

"OW!" you shout. Your cry startles your donkey, and he rears upward (shaking you off his back) and charges right towards the headmaster. The man screams like a three year old girl, and soon after gets trampled by your mule's hoofs.

Rubbing your sore backside, you rush forward to see if the headmaster's alright.
Unfortunately for you (and him), he's dead.

"Oh dear." you mutter.