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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You run through the stone halls in a frenzy. "HE'S DEAD!" You scream again and again, "HE'S DEAD!"

Students give you a strange look, but pay you no heed as you race by them.

Finally a teacher stops you in the hallway. It's Mrs. Thunderblunder; she teaches classes of cooking, sewing, and vampire-hunting. Being a dwarf, the top of her head only reaches your belly-button. Nevertheless, her mighty arm catches you in mid-flight.

"No runnin' in the halls, now." she kindly scolds you. She stares upward into your pale face.

"HE'S DEAD!" You wail. "The HEADMASTER!"

"Well that's nice dear." she continues to knit a small pink piece of wool she had been clutching. You stare at her in disbelief.

"Don't you care?" you ask, "The HEAD M-A-S-T-E-R is dea--D!"

"Well, 'twas likely his time." the she-dwarf smiles whimsically.

"My donkey ran over him!"

Mrs. Thunderblunder stops knitting, looks back up at you, and frowns.

"Your... donkey..." she glares at you. You gulp, nod, then gulp again.

"Well then," the stubby woman folds her arms across her broad chest, "That murderous creature shall have to be whipped and burned at the stake."

"What?" you gasp, "Please, no! Not Norbert!"

"It wasn't Norbert? 'Twas YOU then, wasn't it!?"

You pause. "Oh no, it was all his fault. See ya!" You hurriedly walk down the hall and turn the corner before the dwarf changes her mind.

You sigh. You have missed your first class. Unfolding a piece of paper containing the list of your courses, you see three more listed for the day. Unfortunately you do not know which you are supposed to attend first.
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