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The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You try to race around the gang, but Freddie simply sticks out his leg and trips you.
The whole gang laughs evilly as you land flat on your face.
"HAHAHAAAAA!" spittle flies from Freddies frothing mouth, "What a RETARD!"
You slowly pick yourself up and stumble towards your class.
You arrive just in time and race towards your desk, tripping on your way there and crashing through a dozen students and tables.
Everyone laughs and calls you a moron as you sheepishly stumble into your seat.
"Glad you can join us, Mr. Applebottom." The seven foot tall teacher is standing right in front of you. You look up into his bearded face.
"It's Appelapolous, sir." you mumble.
"Of course it is." the teacher lumbers over to the black board and begins writing on it. "Next time though, Appeloppy, I want you to enter the classroom in a less dramatic fashion." he turns to face you, "Understand?"
"Yes sir." you reply, "But my name is Appelapolus. Aaron Appelapolous."
"Of course it is." the teacher turns toward the blackboard and continues writing.
You sigh deeply. Everyone seems to get your name wrong. You don't see how it can be so difficult to pronounce, but you are used to everyone's mistake.

The teacher steps away from the black board, revealing a decorative drawing of his name; swords, shields and lightening making up the letters.
"My name," he pronounces as if no one could read, "Is Mr. Honkey, and if anyone laughs at or makes fun of my name, I'll kill that person in the most detestable way imaginable. Are we all clear on this matter?"
The entire class nods their head simutaneously.
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