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The Thing Revisited

Riles lowered down on his haunches and jumped into the hole. Despite his caution, Riles let out a small yelp of discomfort. the floor the hole was solid as concrete, despite being comprised entirely of ice.

Peering into the hole, Riles could make out a bit of the tunnels decent, but could not make anything else out. Ducking down a bit and moving forward, Riles began slowing moving forward into the tunnel.

After a few minutes of painfully stooped walking, Riles could see that the tunnel wasn't going to stop short but continued on into what was becoming now darkness. If Riles decided to push on, it would require him to turn on his survival flashlight, which he was prone not to do unless in the event of a real emergency.

Riles was having having second thoughts of continuing further anyway, the tunnel was beginning to pick up a faint odor of burnt flesh and what smelled like... burnt dog hair?

Should Riles: