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The Thing Revisited

Flipping on his flashlight, Riles began to move forward into the darkness. Soon the tunnel began to drop sharply down. Riles carefully moved forward and tried to remain cautious of not falling and sliding down into the darkness.

Despite Riles concencious efforts to not fall, Riles slipped on the ice and began to slide face first into the darkness. Riles' flashlight left his grip and began tumbling along the surface of icy tunnel behind him.

Picking up speed, Riles attempted to slow his decent by placing his hands against the walls of tunnel. His only reward was that he could feel his hands being cut by the hard packed ice of the walls.

Suddenly, Riles felt his body slide into open space. Tummbling through darkness, Riles body found the water with a tremendious "splash!" and his body began to sink.

Fighting with tremendious effort, Riles kicked upward and found air. Trying to act calmly, Riles swam until he found the edges of the shaft he had dropped into. Swimming round in a circle, Riles could find nothing but smooth ice greeting his touch.

After 15 minutes of struggle, Riles began to grow tired. Vainly Riles called out for help, but no one would find him what was to become his icy underwater tomb.
End Of Story