Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez

You decide that you need to rest. Your water supply is running low and you figure it's best not to travel with the sun beating down from above. You walk Betty over to an area of shade under a small outcropping of rock.

A few hours go by while you ration the water between your self and your horse. You nod off everyonce in a while but find it difficult to sleep in such intense heat.

You study the rock outcrop for a long while, trying to place it but you cannot figure out where you are. Scanning the horizon you spot water in the distance. Perhaps it is an oasis, you think hopefully. The rational side of you assumes it is a mirage. You sip from the waterskin and discern that you have only a few more drinks left for you and your horse. Perhaps you should check it out. It is still several hours to nightfall.