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Paco Valdez

You need water, and as such you need to check into anything that may be water. So you stand up and lead your horse in the direction of the oasis.

It takes almost an hour to get there, but you are rewarded in the end. It was no dillusion of a mind whose grip on sanity was severely slipping. It's real. And you rejoice with Betty in this by drinking a bit of water. You are careful not to drink too much, drinking too much too fast after being so dehydrated could lead to cramping.

It is good to know that there was a water source nearby. Even if you were stuck here forever, you would be able to live.

After replenishing your bodys supply of water you lay back and attempt to sleep. This evening you plan on setting off. Which direction, you're not sure. But you know you can't hang out here forever, can you?

You think it over while you wast the day away. When nightfall comes you make your decision.
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