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Paco Valdez

You step into the dimly lit tavern and allow your eyes a moment to adjust. The lighting is a welcome change from the glare of the sun outside. It is hot in here as well, but the absence of the sun beating down from above makes it somewhat more bearable.

Few patrons are within. An old drunk sleeps at one of the tables beside his full mug of ale. A dirty, wirey man sits at the bar picking at an ugly looking chicken leg in between gulping drinks of beer. A whore sits at the corner of the bar. She's been eyeing you since you walked in. You quickly assess that she is not worth the price. Whatever that price may be.

In the back corner of the bar, sitting at a table is Gus, taking puffs off of a cigar. You give him a curt nod and stop at the bar to order a beer. You trade the tender currency for brew and make your way to Gus sipping the beer as you walk. It's piss warm.

You sit down across from Gus as he stares you down. "Morning, Gus." You say to him as politely as possible. You pull out your tobacco pouch and begin rolling a cigarette while he begins his tirade in a low but harsh tone.

Spit flies from his mouth as he talks and you find yourself focusing on the drops of beer which cling to his beard like beads of sweat. Maybe it is sweat. "Morning?!? That's when you were supposed to be here! That was half an hour ago. It's damn near afternoon already! Our meetings are supposed to be smooth and inconspicuous, not open and deliberate!" He takes a puff from his cigar and blows out a cloud of smoke. "What the hell took you so damn long, you durned fool?"

He's staring at you now, done speaking. He's looking at you like he expects you to answer a question. You realize now that you blocked out what he was saying.

"I'm sorry," You say, "What was your question?"

Gus throws his hands up in disgust. "Christ almighty. Did you listen to a damn word I said?" He puffs on his cigar.

"That depends on what you said." You reply coyly.

"Where the hell have you been, ya dumb son of a bitch!" He points the lit end of his cigar at you while he says this to emphasize his words.

"Well," You begin with a slight smile playing across your face, "You know that red haired gal that's always hanging around the theatre?"

"Sure I do," He says, "Who doesn't know her?"

"You don't know her like I know her, Gus." You tell him. Gus' face goes pale like he's just seen a ghost or something. You look behind you but you don't see anything there. You meet his eyes. He continues to stare at you in shock. "What?" You ask, questioning his gaze. You expected a punch to the arm, a clap on the back, a pat on the shoulder, even a raucous laugh; but this reaction...

"Tell me you didn't." Gus says to you.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. She was incredible. A real class act. She knew what she was doing to be sure."

"Tell me you're joking." He says, a look of shock still on his face. You just stare back at him. He puts his hands over his face for a few moments and then looks up at you. "Do you realize what you've done?"

"I'm a man, Gus. I know what I did. I've known about that little deed since before my pappy gave me the talk." You tell him.

"You idiot!" He says, raising his voice. The few patrons in the bar glance your way, even the sleeping drunk stirs a little.

"Jesus, Gus. Lower your voice would you? Inconspicuous, remember?" You tell him.

He lowers his voice. "That was Paco Valdez's woman."

You swallow hard. It hits you like a stone to the head. Paco Valdez is the leader of a local but expanding gang known as the Vigilantes. And the Vigilantes are bad news. Paco valdez is not one to fuck with.

"We gotta get out of town," Gus says to you with regret, "and fast. Sunset. Meet me and Annie at Coyote Rock." He stands up and takes down the rest of his beer. He puffs the cigar twice before speaking again. "Don't be late." Then he exits the bar, leaving you with what's left of your mug.

You sit there for a while in a state of shock, mentally rolling this information over and over in your head. The Vigilantes will no doubt be after you soon. It's a small matter of time before they find out what you've done. Word spreads fast in these mining towns. So much for the bank.

You gulp down the remains of your mug and stand up. You walk over to the bar and pay the barkeeper to fill your flask with whiskey and head out.

You step outside, standing on the wooden platform that forms a sort of sidewalk in these desert towns. Down the road to your left is the hotel where your few possessions are. Also in the hotel is that bitch who has put your life in jeopardy. You need to get your shit and get out, right? To your right is your horse. You could just get on the horse and get out now. Head out to Coyote Rock and hang around to wait for your friends.

Where are you going?