From Darkness It Comes

Inside Twilight Forever Books

Darrin walks into the dark shop and a strong scent of sandalwood and sage wafts over him. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim light, mostly from candles. The store is packed with shelves and racks of books, crystals, and hundreds of assorted strange items. He wanders down a row of old tomes, with small charms and shrunken heads hanging from the racks.

Rounding the end of the row he sees the main counter and the old lady sitting behind it. She smiles at him and watches him over the top of her small round glasses. In a soft voice she calls to him, "Greetings. Is there something I can help you find?"

Darrin walks over to her and tries to smile, but is feeling less than comfortable. "Yeah," He says in a slightly stammering voice. "I was hoping you could help me identify some symbols or language."

She gets a strange look on her face and tilts her head slightly to the side. "Really? Are you sure it's not something else you seek?"

Darrin steps back and his face no longer hides his discomfort here. "No. What are you talking about? I just wanted to find out about some ancient words."

"Hmm." She says with a small nod. "Okay then. We will work on that for now. So what kind of symbols are we looking for?"

Darrin pulls out his notes and shows the woman a couple of the items he copied off the box. She examines it closely and makes a few humming noises. Without saying word she walks over and pulls a couple books off the shelves. She starts flipping through them and makes a few more hums, but still says nothing. Darrin just stands there and watches, quietly and trying not to look as uncomfortable as he feels.

Finally she looks up and says "Interesting. What you have here are ancient symbols of the Ternanen Coven, who died out over a thousand years ago in Scotland. I'd be interested in seeing the entirety of this text. It could be important."

"I don't have it here." Darrin says looking confused. "Can I just get a book I can use to reference the symbols?"

"I'm sorry, but these are from my personal collection. You are welcome to bring it here and study all you want. Perhaps I can even convince you to ask about what it you are really seeking."

Darrin looks even more confused. "There is nothing else I am seeking, just the meaning of these symbols. Why do you keep asking me that?"

"Why don't you come back here with me and have a reading. It might answer a few things."

Darrin pauses before he answers and looks at her with a strange look. He thinks Perhaps if I go along with this she will loan me the book. But I really don't want be here and I'm tired. After a moments consideration he says,