From Darkness It Comes

Looking for the Language

Darrin makes his way into the main library of the university and heads directly for the linguistics section. Starting with anything that catches his eye as old he pulls down books to flip through and look for something resembling what he saw on the knife and box. He looked through ancient Greek, Roman, Sumerian, Celtic Runes, Egyptian, and more, but none of them seemed to have anything that matched the style of writing or symbols he was looking for.

After a few hours he is sitting there surrounded by stacks of books when the library assistant walks over to him and quietly questions him. "Excuse me sir. Is there something I can help you find?"

With tired eyes he looks up at her, surprised to see someone else. He looks around at his notes and the stacks of books around him, and says, "I don't know. I am looking for something I don't know what it is. All I know is it's some kind of language or Symbology, but I can't seem to find any that even get close to it here in the ancient languages."

"Have you tried looking up things in the occult section? It might not be a standard ancient language but some tribal or religious or magic symbols. We do have quite a few books on it."

Darrin just blinks and looks at her without an expression. Of course, he thinks to himself, Why didn't I think of that? Of course it would be some ancient mystic thing and not just Latin or Sumerian. How could I have been so stupid?

He shakes his head slightly and says, "Right. I should have thought as much. Thank you. So where do I need to look now?"

She points out the dark windowless corner where they keep the occult books, and Darrin is amazed at how many of then actually have. He figured they would have a lot but they have enough to actually have separate shelves for each of the categories within the section. Two racks of just books on Magik, spelled in the old style. Without taking the time to look too deeply he starts pulling an assortment of books on Symbology, spells, and anything that looks like it might give him a clue.

Although he finds all sorts of interesting notes and things, none of it seems to match what he has. He does learn a bit about his school though. According to some of the ancient tomes on places of power there are these things called Ley Lines that criss-cross the planet. They are lines of mystic energy that cross at areas of great power and importance. Well, according to a couple of the books it appears that one of these large convergences is right here at his school.

He also learned that one of the oldest witches covens in the new world used to be located here as well, until 1897 when they were wiped out by religious fundamentalists who slaughtered them, burned the bodies, and buried them in a mass grave that was never marked. Before their demise they were said to be using the mystic energy of this place to control and maintain some kind of gateway to the world of spirits. They had a large library of ancient relics and tomes that was also destroyed, but the exact nature of this destruction seems to be a bit fuzzy in the descriptions. Something about collapsing and being buried or swallowed up by the earth before they could burn it down as well.

All of this was rather disturbing, but none of it was helpful for his needs and he's now wasted most of the day on it. The answer may be here but he's not going to find it at this rate. I need to find some help. He thinks, looking around at the stacks of books around him again. Perhaps that lady here knows of someone who could help, if she doesn't have a better idea.

He walks up to her and quietly asks, "Excuse me, Miss, Can I ask you a question?"

She turns and looks up from the record book she was writing in. "Sure, go ahead?"

"I'm not having any luck finding the symbols I am looking for, although I think I am going in the right direction thanks to you. Would you happen to know anyone I can ask about this area? Perhaps an expert of some kind."

She ponders for a second and then smiles with her reply. "Actually, there is a good bookstore near here called Twilight Forever Books, just down Elm Street. The owner knows more than anyone I can think of about this stuff other than Professor Trachtenberg, but he doesn't get here until the classes start. I'd love to help you out, but I try to steer clear of those books. They tend to creep me out."

"Thanks," Darrin says absentmindedly, writing the names down on his notepad and walking away. He is getting tired, but wants to figure this out. The question is can he stay awake long enough, or should he wait for another day. Perhaps even wait until the professor gets here, since he sounds like the best bet...