From Darkness It Comes

A Day With Lisa

Darrin walks out into the courtyard of the Quad, hoping to catch a glimpse of that lovely redhead he met yesterday but also checking out more of the grounds before classes start. First he circled around the library, where there was this nice grassy area with a winding path through it that would be perfect for sitting out in the sun while reading or having a picnic. This led him down and around to the lower grounds, where the lecture halls and theatre were located. This is where his luck factored in.

As he crossed the open courtyard in front he sees Lisa walking out of the theatre. She is radiant in the late morning sunlight, with her long red hair flowing out behind her in the slight breeze as she walks. She notices him and smiles, a sight that causes his heart to leap through his chest. He smiles back and turns to walk towards her as she stops where she is to meet him.

"Hello again." She says as he approaches.

"Hi there." He replies with a smile. "I was hoping to run into you today."

"Really? Why would that be?"

"Well," he says shuffling his feet a little nervously, "I was hoping you would like to spend some time with me today. Perhaps out at lunch or something."

She smiles sweetly. "I would love to, but I have to be in a meeting with my advisor in less than an hour."

"Oh." Darrin feels his hope sink and his smile fades slightly. But thinks to himself, At least she didn't say no.

She places her hand on his arm, gripping him slightly, and looks happily at him again. "How about we get together later in the afternoon? I'll be in the Dorm lounge working on some things after my meeting if you're interested."

"I'll be there." He says as his heart soars.

"Good." She smiles back and starts to walk away. Darrin just watches as her beautiful hair dances down her back, above her amazing behind, before she rounds the corner and is gone from sight.

He now knows he has some time to kill before he can meet up with her, and would rather like to rest a but since he has gone light headed from the nerves and excitement of the moment. His plan was to simple, to go back to his room and lay down for an hour or so, but instead...