Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"I want you out of my car," you calmly say, although inside you are furious. Zack is just about to object, but after seeing the look you give him, decides it's safer to just shut up.

Neither of you speak another word until you park the car just outside Radford and shut off the engine.

"Are you really kicking me out?" Zack says in surprise, obviously not taking your earlier remark seriously. "Without getting an explanation?"

"Yes, I'm kicking you out!" is your straight-forward reaction.
You watch Zack reluctantly open the door and step out of your car. A part of you feels sorry for him, another part hates to see him go, and another is still curious about his motive for pulling such a stunt. Still, you stick to your decision. You don't want a trouble-maker in your car. You could have been killed.

"Well, don't come crying to me when things start going wrong," Zack says in an arrogant tone. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

You stick your tongue out, start the engine and drive off the parking lot, leaving the boy on his own. He watches you. You watch him, in your indoor mirror. You feel relief coming over you, but regret too.

On the intersection just outside the parking lot you have two options. To get back to the highway, you can take the road to the left or drive straight on.
Which one will it be?