Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

You turn left, still thinking about Zack and what you could be missing by this decision. It's probably for the best girl. He was messing with your head, enchanting and annoying you at the same time.

At that moment you hear a loud bang. Your car starts to spin uncontrollably. You panick and start pulling your steering wheel and breaking at the same time. Within a microsecond you are disorientated and you scream when you feel the car slope and roll over, and over, and over... The world gets dark...

Zack sees it all happening. He sees how the car's left tyre suddenly blows, how the car starts spinning, how it shifts towards the sloping verge which causes the car to tumble over...

A minute later...
Zack is standing over your lifeless body. He kneels down and wipes a lock of hair out of your scratched and damaged face, and a tear from his own face. "Why?" His voice breaks. "Why didn't I see this coming? It's my job for god's sake!"
For a moment all is silent, except for a soft sobbing.
"I failed you, Amber," he whispers as he picks you up and carries you away from the awful place. He starts walking, and walking, and he doesn't stop...

Some say he walked with her forever, into eternity, until they eventually vanished into oblivion...
End Of Story