Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

You choose to go straight on. You step on the gas and the car accelerates fast. At that moment you hear a loud bang and at the same time you feel a great force throw your car to the left. You don't even have time to wonder what is happening, because the blow causes your body to be thrown to the side and your head is hit hard against your side window. The world turns black.

Zack witnesses the shocking accident and starts running up to your car. It's not until he opens your door and tries to get you out of your seatbelt that you regain consciousness again.
Hurting all over and in complete shock you let him help you out of the car and carry you back to the parking lot where he gently lays you down in the grass that surrounds it.

His worried voice sounds blurry and far away to you, but you are conscious enough to realize how lucky you are.
"Now will you listen to me?" Zack says, truly concerned about you. "Didn't you see that car? No, of course you didn't. They made sure of it..." Zack now sounds grim and angry.
You may be still weak and in shock, but you did hear Zack's strange words.
"What....are you talking about?" You grab your head as you try to get up. Zack orders you to stay down.
"I'll tell you all about it, but not until I know you're alright."
"I'm alright," you tell him, not very certain of it yourself.

It's a miracle, but the car still seems to work. There's a lot of damage on the outside, but the inside hasn't suffered much. Zack parks the car and helps you walk to the nearest café.
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