Gotham's Story

The future comes with a great number of changes. Nightwing became a strong supehero in his own rights, and developed a better relationship with the Justice league than you ever had. Oracle has made great improvements as well. Through extensive surgery and physical training- mostly funded by you- she has regained most of the use of her legs. Although she cannot fight the same way that Batgirl did, she seems to prefer it. She followed in the footsteps of her father and became the next police comissioner when he retired. Tim changed his name to Red Robin and works independently for the most part. You've relegated the majority of your roles at Wayne Industries to Alfred, which often keeps him out of the mansion. Most nights you work alone, now, but you don't mind.
For the most part.
Though you would never tell Alfred- he would never let you hear the end of it- you can feel your age bearing down on you. You stay young by putting on the mask, but often your body protests what your younger self would have reveled in. Many times now, you have improved the Batsuit to augment your declining body. Exomuscular additions, jet powered boots, camoflage, and many more advantages are now featured to the suit so that the symbol of Batman can blaze just as strong. Until I draw my last breath, you remind yourself often, Batman will protect Gotham.
You chuckle to yourself ruefully, as you watch the thieves work. With the ever growing technological arms race, electronic equipment has become a more valuable commodity than gold. You miss the days when criminals woould rob banks and crack vaults. Now they dress up as delivery men and break into company warehouses. The thugs that sweat beneath you are trying to swipe some slightly outdated computer modules to gain a small bit of wealth on the black market. It might be beneath you to stop them, but it is a Wayne Industries warehouse.
You decided that you've waited long enough, so you drop from the rafters and take down the largest of the young criminals. With the Batsuit's new abilities, disabling these lowlifes becomes child's play.
Or so you think.
After taking down four of the men, you turn around and fight yourself snagged on a loose cable. You berate yourself for not being aware of your surroundings at the same time you stumble to the ground. The others are quickly approaching. You think you have a concussion pellet or two in your utility belt, but then you see the glint of metal in front of you. One of the thugs dropped a gun and it is well within your reach. You need to decide quickly before you are overcome.