Gotham's Story

You grab the gun and turn your body around in the span of a heart beat. Though you have refused to use the weapon for your crimefighting career, you know much about guns and the proper ways to handle them. Though you are on the ground, you know that you look anything but helpless.
"He's got a gun!" one of the thieves yells.
"Batman don't use guns," another peads in disbelief.
"He does now. Slag it boys, we're out of here!"
Even as you stand, the criminals are heading out the door. You watch them through the sights of the pistol and for a moment you contemplate stopping them once and for all with the power that you hold in your hands...
"No!" you yell in disgust with yourself as you angrily disassemble the gun. The pieces fall to the ground and you run outside to the Batmobile.
That crossed the line, you know. You almost stooped to their level. You almost ended there life in the same way that mugger did so many years ago. If your parents could see you now. Hell, if Dick or Barbara or Alfred had seen you they would have said the same thing: You have gone too far. It's time to put up the cape. Batman is no longer required in Gotham.
Perhaps they would be right. Gotham isn't what it once was. Sure, crime persists like in any other city, but not to the same degree as when the supervillians were running amok. Those who aren't in Arkam have given up crime. It has even been ages since the Joker commited a murder. Gotham looks more like Metropolis every day.
It's decided then, Batman is no more. Bruce Wayne will put away the cape.

You have 1 choice:

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