Gotham's Story

As it turns out, Gotham needs a Batman, but Batman also needs a Robin. Tim was devoted to his training and showed himself as an exemplary partner in your crusade against crime. He may not be the acrobat that Dick was, or the fighter that Jason was, but his mind and his heart are the purest to every wear the tights. When you strike fear into the hearts of criminals, he shows compassion to the innocents that are in danger. When you use martial arts to disable a dozen kidnappers, he uses his voice to gain the trust of the captive children. For all of your yin, he is the yang.
He also excels in detective work. With his advanced skills at computers, he can research and solve crimes with a speed that you can barely keep up with. You are amazed and proud at the progress the two of you can make when you work together. Even Oracle smiles when Robin can surpass her on a computer search or progarm.
This Robin has been the greatest teammate as well. He pulls the family together in ways that you never could have on your own. In addition to Oracle, Nightwing enjoys his involvement and joins you in Gotham more often. Gordon even prefers to speak with him. With this encouragement, you have been more motivated to involve yourself in actions of the Justice League, though not officially gaining membership. Robin also leads a team of other teenage heroes- the Teen Titans they've dubbed themselves- from time to time. You trust him.
Gotham feels safer. Maybe it's Robin. Maybe it's the team. Personally, you think it is the way you have changed. With Robin you have now become the Batman that Gotham needs. Not a lone avenger, but a symbol. A symbol of fear at times, but also a symbol of constancy, strength, and hope.
With Batman, Gotham has a greater future.

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