Gotham's Story

Commissioner Gordon stands on the rooftop with his trenchcoat billowing in the cool, night air. A lit cigarette casts an orange glow on his face. This is his second one; he's probably almost done up here. You have been watching him for almost an hour. You tell yourself that your waiting him out, but in truth, you are still working on what words to say. Well, neither of you can wait all night, you think, so you creep closer to him using the shadows.
"You've caused his city a lot of trouble," Gordon says, without looking up. How did he know you were here? Has he known the whole time? You decide to answer him without letting your surprise be known.
"It was in trouble to begin with," you mask your voice to almost a growl. Gordon whips his head around in surprise. He must not have expected you to respond. He recovers quickly though and takes one last draw on the cigarette before saying anything else.
"True enough, but you stirred the pot. Now every gangster and mob boss is looking for the Batman. The police are even hunting you. The media is wondering what side you are on."
"I'm on the side of Justice." You cringe as the phrase comes out of your mouth. It's true, but it comes off as cliche.
"In my heart I think I know that, but you ar going bout it the completely wrong way. You work in the shadows, spreading fear. Sure the criminals are afraid, but so is everyone else. People are starting to believe that you aren't even human. Hell, I'm starting to believe it. You do things that no one else can do and the hardest criminals on the streets are turning themselves in just so they don't have to deal with you. You would be better off as a cop!"
He turns around in frustration and you remain silent. The seconds of silence creep by slowly.
"No," he finally says. "You're useful because you work outside the constraints of the law. But we can't be working like this anymore. I need some more cooperation- or at least communication- so we don't end up with more dead officers."
The accusation hangs like a lead fog between the two of you. You approach the commissioner and draw yourself up to your full height. Gordon reaches for his gun, but doesn't draw.
"Actually, Commissioner, that is what I'm here to discuss. I would like any intel you have on criminal activity that you can't handle."
Gordon looks at you skeptically.
"You mean it? You intend to work with the GCPD?"
You give a brief, almost imperceptible nod. Gordon nods as well and the beginnings of a grin form beneath his mustache.
"In that case, we got a ransom note. Theatrical guy like you. Calls himself the Joker. He's already wanted for three known homicides."
"Who's being ransomed?"
"The whole city. He's threatening to poison Gotham's water supply."
You both share a knowing glance.
It's going to be a long night.

You have 1 choice: