Gotham's Story

Once you allied yourself with the police, you became a more respected public figure. The citizens of Gotham now see you as a symbol of justice, and the criminals cower when they see your symbol blazoned across the sky. The spotlight was Gordon's idea- a way to communicate between the two of them. But even when you don't join Gordon atop the GCPD roof, Gotham knows that you are fighting for the innocent.
You now know that you don't have to work alone. It started out innocently enough- you wanted a successor to carry on the fight when you would no longer be able to. When Dick Grayson's parents died, you saw the perfect opportunity to train your replacement out of the talented boy. But he is nothing like you. As Robin, he stands out where you blend in. He shows mercy where you would instill fear. He laughs when you would be silent. He may not be the next Batman, but he is a necessary balance to your crimefighting crusade. There has also been the new figure that calls herself the Batgirl. You feel confident in your knowledge of her identity and she has proven to be useful on occasion, but you do not feel comfortable with bringing her into the same confidence as Grayson.
There have been some negative repercussions, however. While overall crime is down, the list of maniacs who put on a mask to terrorize Gotham has increased. And they all seem to have a fixation with you. The Joker, the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow; all seek your demise and the conquest of your city.
For example, this new character- Bane, he calls himself- has been causing havoc in the Gotham underworld. Normally this would cause you no concern, but Bane recently broke all of the masked psychopaths out of Arkam Asylum. You spent the past week cleaning up, but now you have to find Bane and put a stop to him.
But you are so tired.
If only you could get some rest...
"Beg for mercy! SCREAM MY NAME!" Bane's voices echoes throughout the infinite labyrinth of the Batcave, but it falls on your ears as if from a dream. You turn to him and stubbornly draw your response from behingd your broken ribs.
"G-go..." you mutter. "Back to Hell."
A sharp 'crack' sounds as he whips his iron-hard knuckles across your face.
"I am Bane and I could kill you," He says in a lower tone as he picks you up off the ground. "But death would only end your agony and silence your shame." You try to resist, but your muscles will not obey your mind. You lay limp in his hands, held far above his head.
"Instead, I will simply... BREAK YOU!"
A heart beat of weightlessness is felt; then a sharp, cold pain as your spine falls on Bane's knee and you fade into unconsciousness...
You are awake. Someone must have moved you because you are now in the medical alcove of the Batcave. You feel the stiff pressure of the examination table beneath you and you try to bring yourself to a sitting position. Searing pain courses through every muscle in your body as you slump back onto the table. Every muscle, that is, except those below your waist.
He broke your back.
That maniac broke into your home, beat you, and broke you. Bane broke you. You can't even walk now, much less fight. How will you protact Gotham? How will the Batman put an end to these menaces if he can't beat a single, unarmed man? Perhaps its time you give up the cape. Perhaps this is the end of Batman...
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