Gotham's Story

"I must say that I am impressed with your progress," Ra's tells you. He is shirtless and brandishing a katana in his lean, muscular arm. "No one has every progressed at the speed you have."
You bow your head. "Your compliments-" you are cut off as a flurry of blows are directed at your body. You react just in time to deflect each one with the metallic pang of your own katana.
"Never let your opponent strike first!" Ra's declares as he steps out of the cadence. You oblige by rushing him with a cadence of your own. Ra's deftly blocks every blow but is kept on the defensive.
"Push harder, boy! You fight as though you are dancing. You need to fight to kill."
"I do not think it wise to try to kill my grandmaster."
"Do you not? If I am weak enough to be killed by your blade then I deserve death. I would hold you to no higher regard." With this statement he advances his footing and puts you on the defensive. He is relentless and attacks without pattern nor reprieve. You parry as well as you can but a gash forms on your shoulder.
"It is not weakness to kill with no reason," you gasp everysyllable between blows.
"There is always a threat! Anyone strong enough to challenge your authority must be destroyed." With these words you see the malice in Ra's mind. You suddenly realize how dangerous a man like this can be in the world. This gives you the drive to attack. One blow. Two. Eight. A flurry like you have never given before springs forth as you let you sword work faster than your mind. Ra's begins to retreat. A bit to hastily because as he makes his fourth step back you sweep your sword and ut him on the ground.
"Yield," you command with your sword at his throat. With a snarl, he knocks your blade away and storms from the chamber.
Later you talk in private with Talia while she stitches your shoulder. You have a secluded chamber for such times.
"I don't know anymore, Talia," you begin. "Your father has taken care of me- of us. But I don't think he can be trusted. For the safety of the world, he may need to be... removed."
Talia is quiet for some time.
"What you suggest, Bruce, would be a great betrayal to my father. But I, too, see what you see. There is madness in him. And the Lazarus Pits..." She shudders. "I am too close to decide what to do, but I will trust your decision on this, my love. I know you will do what is right."