Gotham's Story

You are trained. Ra's was true to his word; you have been beaten and broken far more than any acolyte before you. But you have emerged stronger for it- becoming the ultimate warrior in the League of Assassins. You have been noticed by your fellow trainees. They have taken to calling you The Bat because you move swiftly in the darkest of nights and can do feats of athletic prowess that make you seem to fly.
You have also caught the eye of your grandmaster. Ra's is sparse with compliments, but every task he assigns you, you have taken and excelled at. You can see the pride in those age-old eyes. He has taken you under his wing and gives you private lessions to enhance your grasp of language, history, and archaic sciences.
Through every step of your training the past seven years, Talia has been at your side; challenging you, assisting you, and encouraging you. Your sudden aquaintanceship has blossomed into friendship- and in the past few years, romance. The both of you have yet to inform her father of your relationship, but you both know that knowledge is not kept long from the Demon's Head in his home of Nanda Parbat.
There is something missing from the League, though. You have done many missions for Ra's: removing dictators and oppressive despots from their seats of corruption, stealing political information, killing those that threaten the home of the League. But that are some missions that you have carried out unquestioningly that leave you wondering ther reason. You think back to your parents and wonder if your killings are that much better than the mugger in that alleyway.
And then there are the Lazarus Pits...
You shake off the thoughts. Today you train with the Demon himself and you must be focused.

You have 1 choice: