Gotham's Story

You look to Talia and you know what to do. You may not agree ith Ra's on everything, but he has centuries more experience on you and has become the closest thing to a father for you since your own died. Tomorrow you will make amends with him and reswear your fealty.
You awake with a start. You try to rise, but you find that your arms and legs will not respond. You open your eyes to look around to find Ra's al Ghul standing above your bed.
"Do not struggle. The poison works slowly, but attacks the muscles before the senses, so we have time to talk."
Contrary to his command, you do struggle, but you can only summon the barest twitch. He doesn't seem to notice.
"I have been very impressed with you, Bruce. I intended to eventually marry you to my daughter. I was going to make you my heir. But you have become too dangerous, I'm afraid. Do not count me heartless, for i will miss and regret your passing, but I cannot allow one such as you to destroy what I have worked for. And worry not of being remembered..." His voice trails as he turns to leave. You can barely hear his last words before your vision fades to black.
"Talia will be 'The Bat.' Tomorrow I will send her and the League to cleanse Gotham."
End Of Story