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The Ring of Time

You get dressed in the "coolest" clothes you own - some jeans, sneakers, and a long-sleeved 17th Street Surf Shop t-shirt. Giving yourself the once-over, followed by a critical, disappoving glance, you decide to both work out and visit the mall as soon as possible. You grab your bookbag and head out to breakfast.

Raisin Bran never tasted so odd as you stare across the table at your younger brother, quite a few inches less - both in stature AND girth. "What?" he asks with a questioning look and a raised eyebrow. "Oh, nothing," you reply, with a wry smile.

Your Mom, that had been busying herself around the kitchen, seems now fixated upon your left hand. At once realizing how odd it must appear for a 14-year-old to be sporting a wedding band, you quickly hide your hand, but it's too late. "Mike, where did you get that gold ring on your hand?" your Mom asks. Thinking as quickly as you can, you lie - "Well, Mom, I found it the other day and it fit so well I just started wearing it." She looks at you with the look of a Mom that knows better, but intends to overlook the fact that her son might be a criminal. "Well, at least take it off your left hand - we can't have people thinking my sweet son is married." You gladly agree and move the ring from your left hand to your right, where it fits justs as well. You hurry to finish you breakfast and run out to the bus stop, pausing to stick your tongue out at your brother, whose bus doesn't arrive for another hour.

You arrive at the bus stop to the presence of some familiar faces, but decide there's no time to meet them right now... or wait for the bus, for that matter. Before you can be seen by the other guys and gals waiting for the bus, you stash your books in Mrs. Hubbard's nearby shed (where you know they won't be seen, as she hardly ever does any yardwork) and then start out for adventure - wherever your deviant little mind may lead you. It is then that you remember that you needn't have the day waste away for YOU like it does other people and you will time to stop. Sure enough, it does and the talking youths at the bus stop are now frozen mid-sentence. An evil thought crosses your mind and before you can stop yourself, you walk over to them and cut the elastic waistband on the more attractive girl's (Missy's) short, pleated skirt. The skirt stays as frozen in place as time itself (as you now command it) and you head to a hidden spot to watch the reaction to your hijinks. You unfreeze time and the skirt immediately falls around her ankles, revealing (to her horror and the two other guys' delight) her white cotton panties. Aghast, she lets her bookbag fall and drops to the ground to pull the skirt back up. To your mischievious chagrin, she produces a safety pin from her purse that again secures her skirt in place. Reddened and embarrassed, she is the laughingstock of the stop all the way until the bus arrives.

With the loss of the other kids, you set your sights anew on the possibilities of the day before you. Will you...