The Ring of Time

With a bit of devious sport behind you, you stop time again and arrive at the local mall a fraction of a second later (in real time). After a three mile walk, you're beginning to seriously consider "borrowing" a bike, so you can stop time and it still not take what seems like all of YOUR day to get someplace. You glance at your watch (0623) and then glance at the mall hours (opens at 1000) and curse your luck... and your memory. Had you walked here in REAL time, maybe you'd be getting here on time (or closer to it). There's nothing left for you to do but hide and wait, so you do.

Having fallen asleep waiting, you awake with a start, automatically stopping time. Once inside, you take a look around and decide there are too many mannequins and restart time (from a hidden alcove) so that everyone begins walking again. You saunter up to the mall's map (as you can't even remember yesterday, let alone what was here more than 9 years ago) and take a look at your options...

Apparently, Britches (a outdoorsy-preppie store) is here already, as well as Babbages (which has been here as long as you can remember), but the Victoria's Secret you were hoping for apparently is several years yet in coming to fruition. The closest thing you can think of for women's "unmentionables" is J.C.Penney's. You must decide where your priorities lie.
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