The Prophet

Seriously? I mean...really? Your call boss.

You call forth for a fearsome plague of butterflies to consume the kingdom. You laugh manically as the winged demon creatures flutter throughout the lands causing wanton joy and laughter. Never before have the people of the kingdom been so happy. Children frolic to you asking you to summon some unicorns and faeries next.

You consider melting all of them to the ground, but such is not the way of Alru. After three days of pure bliss in the kingdom you head back to the king.

"I have ended the plague of butterflies mighty king. What say you to freeing the slaves now?"

"I say wizard, why don't you keep heaping onto my kingdom these "plagues". My citizens have never been happier! May I request you build us a mountain made of dumplings?" The king snickers.

"You have seen the beauty and tranquility Alru can bring! Now prepare to face his wrath!" Once again you vanish in a puff of smoke.

Now, what plague befalls the kingdom this time?