The Prophet

The kings defiance in the face of your mercy has angered you greatly. Though you attempted to show him the power and majesty of Alru's power, the king has openly mocked you. The time for mercy is at an end.

Entering the city marketplace you proclaim loudly your next plague to befall the citizens of the cruel king: bloodthirsty, starved tigers! Glowing power emanates from the staff of Alru and soon multiple plumes of smoke appear within your vicinity, which upon dissipating reveal large drooling cats with death in their eyes. The crowded marketplace quickly dissolves into chaos with people running for their lives, some even tossing their own children to the tigers to save themselves. Stampedes ensue with more being trampled underfoot than the tigers could possibly pick off themselves. Some of the tigers even linger until the crowds are long gone to finish off the people who were crushed during the mad dash to escape.

You walk triumphantly through the city streets that are now stained with blood, the sounds of screams and tigers snarling while crunching on bones does disturb you a little. This is what the king brought upon himself You remind yourself. He must be willing to free the slaves now, any other course of action on his part would be utter madness.

Suddenly you are aware of a presence, like someone or something is watching you. In front of you you see nothing but an empty street way, a tiger dragging an elderly woman in the distance then is soon gone from view. You slowly turn around to face a large feline, blood dripping from its maw as it heavily pants in your direction. Fear grips you and you are frozen.

The tiger leaps at you; your only defense is the staff which you hold outwardly with both hands as the tiger bites onto it. With the force of the rest of its body, knocks you to the ground, the tiger pinning you. Growling, the tiger wrenches and pulls at the staff while you hold onto it for dear life, but the beast is too strong and before you can even use the staff to your advantage the tiger rips it from your grip. You are able to scatter backwards on the ground and get back to your feet but now you are without the staff.

If I can just lay hold of the staff again, I can use its power to save me from this predicament!

The tiger glares at you, but has not yet dropped the staff from its jaws. You hear roaring all around you, and while you cannot see them you know that other tigers are close by.

Without the staff you are just a mere mortal, but dare you try to get it back from the tiger or make a hasty escape without it?
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