The Prophet

Again...for real? Puppies eh? So be it reader.

You unleash upon the unsuspecting citizens of the kingdom an army of puppies! They slobber their way through every street and alleyway. Parading into houses they yelp and bark as people squeal with glee at the abundance of cuteness infiltrating their lives.

A few people suffer sneezing fits due to allergies, but even they cannot deny the morale booster that the puppies have brought. People make it a point to seek you out and thank you for all the joy you have brought to the land. Even the slaves seem somewhat happy as monument building was postponed due to too many puppies flooding the work grounds.

After three days the plague of puppies dissipates and you return to the king.

"Now, will you free the followers of Alru?"

The king stares at you in disbelief.

"No. But a plague of pedicures may change my mind."

"Alru grows weary of your games king! The most terrible of follies shall now be your reality!"

"I'm quivering with anticipation." The king scoffs.

You ready your staff
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