The Prophet

You summon a great white shark from your staff. The fish flies forward, chomping off the head of the king before he even realizes what's happening. Gasps from the throne chamber. The guards begin to draw their swords.

"Anyone who draws a blade will suffer the same fate!" You shout.

The satisfying swoosh of swords being sheathed is heard.

"Now, I want all the slaves freed immediately or I will drown this town in an ocean of boiling blood!" The guards frantically run out of the throne room to complete your task.

A few days later all of the slaves have gathered up all their belongings and begin the journey back to their respective towns. The citizens of the kingdom stay indoors this day as not to incur your wrath. The slaves cheer you as their savior.

Before they all leave you have their attention outside castle walls. As a prophet of Alru you want to make sure that the freemen know that it was Alru who delivered them from the chains, not you.
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