The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"Walk in a straight line now!" Honkey calls back to the straggling group of kids behind him and brings his hand to the sword at his belt. Everyone immediately lines up behind him.

"Right, let's go!" the teacher leads the way down the halls and stairs and finally out of the gates of Branblod.

You follow the line of kids until the group stops at a device situated on a stand in a clearing, near the edge of a forest. A long, wooden crate sits beside it.

Not paying attention, you slam into the person infront of you, sending him sprawling forward to hit the other, etcetra, etcetra until the last bounces off of Mr. Honkey's muscled back.

Appearing not to notice the huge line of students lying face first in the grass behind him, he begins to speak.

"This is the Atomic Crossbow, favoured by all men of war, especially Dragon Slayers." Honkey guestures towards the device.

The crossbow looks almost like a great ballista, though you think it is meant to be hand-held. At the moment though it is positioned on a large tripod.

The teacher opens the wooden crate and pulls a missile the size of his arm out from it. Holding it with one hand, he slides the missile into the crossbow, pulling back the taught cable at the same time, and locking the arrow at the back end of the device.

"Alright Apple-head, you've got iron guts! I am willing to let you first try the Atomic Crossbow."

"Errr..." you say, "Maybe... he wants to try." you point at a tiny boy in a striped shirt. He stops brushing the grass off his knees and freezes like a frightened rabbit.

"Well!" Honkey smiles broadly, "Self-sacrifice! I like it! Alright then, what's your name son?" His massive figure bends down and looks at the boy.

"T...t..t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-TIMMY!" the boy manages to squeak.

"Young Teeteetim, why don't you come over here behind the crossbow... yes, that's it... now, point the bolt at the forest over there and fire."

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