The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

The quivering boy grasps the handle of the great ballista, gives the teacher one last mournful look, and then pulls the trigger.

The missile screams forward, wailing like thousand banshees, the recoil sending the small boy blasting backwards across the field with the crossbow sailing right along with him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!" Timmy's scream fades as he flies off into the distance and out of sight.

The missile explodes into the trees, sending a great mushroom cloud of fire and smoke expanding upwards until it touches the clouds. The white flash of light continues to burn in your eyes, and only few minutes later do you realize that you're lying face first in the mud.

Groaning with pain, you slowly get to your feet and brush yourself off. A sharp ringing of bells continue to reverberate in your ears, and you shake your head in an attempt to dislodge them. You look around to see everyone on their faces, curled up in the fetal position; everyone, that is, except for the mighty Mr. Honkey. The collosal man stands tall and proud, with a gleefull smile on his face.

"WOO YA!" Honkey shouts, "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

You turn to see that the entire dark forest has been wiped from the face of the earth. Miles and miles of black-charred ground are the only remenants of that once grand forest.

Did I forget to mention that the school is in ruins as well? By "ruins" I mean to say a few stumps of charcol.

"What have you done?" you shout at Honkey.

The teacher of warcraft scratches his chin in thought.

"Well," he says, "I didn't forsee the extent of damage that baby would make."


"Ah, well, that can't be helped." Honkey's bright smile never fades, "Now, I've got to go find my crossbow and try it on something else!" Without another word, the crazy teacher runs off into the hills.
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