The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"STOP!" you scream, forseeing an on-coming doom. You leap towards the small boy called Timmy to stop him before he razes the entire dark forest in flames.

Though your intentions are good, Fate sometimes has its fun despite any attempts to ruin it.

A young snail, who would have never crossed your path in any other case was just expelled from his family for experiencing new bounds of freedom; dropping his shell and frolicking (or, er... crawling) with joy, leaving the binding restraints of his life behind. The council called him ludicrous, preposterous, and an embarassment to snail society. There were snails and there were slugs, and if one was to give up their shell they couldn't call themselves a snail any more. It just was not the snail way. The trial was against him and he was forced to leave Snaildom under pain of death.

So, it was because of this witless creature that all of Hell was let loose.

In your mad rush to stop the Atomic Crossbow from being fired, you trip over the snail (who was remarkably unhurt, at that point at least) and crash straight into the tripod that is holding the great ballista aloft.

It crashes to the ground, and begins to hiss.

"IT'S GOINA BLOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" Mr. Honkey, in one swift motion, gathers up the entire class with a sweep of his arms, crushing you against twenty other students, and bounds away.

The world goes white. For a few moments it stays, a blinding light that rubs out any detail of your surroundings, and not a sound is heard but running legs below you, stamping and tearing the grass beneath.

The shockwave hits, lifting you and the others like a basketball and hurtling you into the sky. The soundwave follows soon after, exploding into your ears and wailing like a thousand banshees.

And yet, you survive.

In the skies Mr. Honkey's class tumbles and falls like hail stones.

Even the fall doesn't kill you. I think you sprained your tailbone on the fourth bounce, though.

The teacher lands on his feet. You raise your head weakly to look up at his face. He poses against the sun like a Greek Statue for a moment, then stares down at you and grins.

"WOOO YA!" he roars with joy, "SEE WHAT THAT BABY CAN DO?"

Still lying like a pancake on your belly, you managed to crane your neck and look behind you.

What was white before is now black, charred and dead. The dark forest consists only of a few blackened, twisted stumps.

The school is completely wasted, a massive crater has taken its place.

You struggle to your feet, swaying for a moment, and then regain some sense of balance. You stare at the crater, a collosal black hole that stretches a few kilometers in every direction. How Mr. Honkey managed to scoop up twenty one kids and outrun a nuclear explosion was something you still could not believe.

"Oh...damn." you mutter. This cannot be happening.

Young Timmy pulls a lens of his glasses from out of his ear and sits up.

"Wa...wa...where's the school?" he squeaks.

"Blown to bits!" The teacher beams with pride.

"B...b...b...b... b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, but..." Timmy faints.

You look to see your other classmates scattered on the ground, completely out or barely concious.

You're not sure if you should hug Mr. Honkey for saving your life, or attack him for blowing up Branblod.

You have 2 choices:

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