The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You are interrupted by a disturbing howl, a dreadful bellow of evils taken from your darkest nightmares.

A frown forms on Mr. Honkey's face.

"Uh oh." he mutters.

"What?" your eyes widen with fright, "What is it?"

"It appears that the explosion has burrowed a hole straight down to Hell."

You gaze at your teacher blankely.

"So that sound was..."

"Yep," Mr. Honkey cracks his knuckles and flexes his muscles. They bulge like bags of watermelons. "That howl was the mad cry of an entire legion of demons. Now that they are free they must focus the hatred that makes up their being upon every living thing on this earth."

"Which means..." you whimper.

"Yep," Mr. Honkey pulls a Greatsword from out of his pants with one swift motion. You cringe. "Armageddon."
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