Final Quest Version 2

You hesitate for a long moment. Then, you decide to follow your instincts, trusting this Torai. "I am Esther," you reply. Lifting your chin proudly, you continue, "A warrior of King Ayan. I have been summoned to the castle by one of his messengers."

Torai fiddles with his tankard a moment before looking up at you. "If you go to the castle, you will be walking into a trap," he tells you.

You narrow your eyes slightly. "What gives you that idea?" you demand.

Torai drains his tankard with one gulp, and then stands up, grabbing your arm. "Come with me!" he orders.

To your own surprise, you continue to trust him, and follow his lead. Torai takes you out of the tavern, and your eyes widen a bit as you see a blue light directly in front of you.

A portal...

Torai turns to you. "If we step inside this portal, you will be safe for now," he says. "From the King, at least."

You hesitate, not sure if you should do as he says. Ayan is a good king... Right?

What are you going to do?
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