Final Quest Version 2

Hoping that you are in fact making the right decision, you enter through the portal behind Torai.

For a moment, it feels like your entire body has gone cold all over, and there's a moment of resistance before you manage to force your way through.

The portal has deposited you and Torai at the foot of a mountain. For some reason, even though it was dark when you left the kingdom, it's light here, and you glance around for a moment, caught by the beauty of this place. You almost forget what's just been happening. Almost, but not quite.

You turn to Torai to demand to know what he's doing, but your eyes widen in confusion as you see that he's now holding the reins of two horses, one of which is your own horse Star. You also notice the fact that the portal's closed behind you and Torai, but that doesn't strike you as very surprising.

"We need to get to the top of that mountain, and sooner rather than later," Torai tells you, getting up on the other horse. "Come on."

What are you going to do?
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