Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Final Quest Version 2

Loose Ends

There are 31 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
72582 Ask him what he means by the need of caution in these times? 35900
72583 Show the man the scroll you have? 35901
72584 Strike him down for daring to defile the name of your King? 35901
72585 Demand to know what he means by his words against King Ayan? 35901
72587 A 1 or a 4? 35902
72589 A 5? 35902
72592 You wake up 35905
72596 Left? 35907
72600 Get on Star and follow him? 35909
72601 Demand an explanation first? 35909
72610 Enter the portal after Torai? 35914
72622 Exclaim, "You're a fairy!"? 35921
72623 Demand to know what she's doing there? 35921
72625 A 1, 3, or a 5? 35923
72626 A 2 or a 4? 35923
72627 A 6? 35923
72633 Go with her as she asks? 35925
72634 Demand to know what she's talking about? 35925
72635 Ignore her words and push past her? 35925
72784 Go through the door on your left? 36041
72785 Go through the door on your right? 36041
72786 Continue down the corridor? 36041
72787 Try talking to the other person? 36042
72788 Search for some kind of a way out? 36042
72789 Nothing, just wait? 36042
72790 Ask Ayan why he wanted to see you? 36044
80558 Continue to refuse? 40150
80559 Change your mind, and go with him? 40150
157182 She mounts you 79925
159994 If you kiss her 81440
159995 If you refuse 81440