Final Quest Version 2

You decide that you probably aren't going to get any information out of the inkeeper - besides, you're not sure how much longer you would be able to keep yourself from punching him if you carried on talking. The innkeeper certainly isn't the first one to underestimate you because you're a female, and you doubt very much that he'll be the last.

You order yourself a tankard of beer, and one for the young man, before heading over to take a seat at the table opposite him. "What do you know?" you ask.

The man studies you for a moment, keeping his face in shadow. Then, he comments, a bit unexpectedly, "You haven't been here for a while, have you?"

You shrug. "No need to rub it in," you respond, trying to keep your tone light. "So... About these bandits...?"

"There are all sorts of rumours about why they're here now," the man says, his tone difficult to interpret. "Some say that it's because some of the protection around this land has gone... And others say that it is the fault of the King."

You narrow your eyes slightly. "King Ayan is a good man," you reply. "He has brought peace here."

The man laughs, shaking his head slightly. "You really *are* naiive, aren't you?" he questions. "I think I like that. My name's Torai... What's yours?"

Do you like him enough to give your real name?

You have 2 choices:

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