Final Quest Version 2

You pull back slightly on Star's reins, and the other horse stops as well. You look down at the woman. "Hello," you say with a slight smile.

The woman stares up at you for a moment. Then, abruptly, her eyes widen, and she stumbles backwards a few paces. "Lady Esther, the King's champion!" she cries. "I am sorry, my Lady... I merely go to fetch supplies for my mother, who is ill."

You frown slightly at the woman. "Why do you apologise?" you ask. "I will not stop you from finding something for someone who is ill."

The woman avoids looking directly into your eyes. She seems almost scared of something. "My Lady, the King has refused to allow my mother aid."

You start a bit at that, and stare at the woman. "What?!" you demand. "You must be mistaken. King Ayan is very just and kind."

The woman just shoots you a terrified glance, before darting off down the trail like a frightened animal.

Concerned, you continue on your way.

You have 1 choice:

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