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Paco Valdez


You have your doubts about whether the innkeeper would even wake for you in the first place. After stretching your limbs, you lay down on the wooden bench and attempt to get comfortable. The wind is cool against your face and you stare up into the stars above, like so many tiny lights dancing in the distance above you.

Eventually you fall asleep and are awakened by the sound of a mans voice. His voice sounds dirty, if anything can sound as such. Without opening your eyes, you know that he is a ruffian. When you open your eyes, you find something much worse.

"Look what we have here, boys." The man with the dirty voice says. Your eyes go to his ugly face first, and then to his hand where a black "V" is tattooed, marking him as your enemy; a member of the Vigilantes.

"We've been lookin' for you, asshole." He says to you. He has straight shoulder length dirty blonde hair and a two day beard. He speaks around a wad of chewing tobacco.

His friends laugh stupid laughs which seems a combination of nervous excitement and mischievous malice. Somehow you don't feel comfortable with their presence.

"Hello there." You say in a vain attempt to sound confident. One of them grabs you by the arm and hauls you roughly to your feet.

You look around at them and weigh your odds. There are three of them and one of you. You generally fare well in hand to hand combat, and judging these men on appearance alone, you are confident that you can take them down. But there are three of them, and you strongly doubt that they are going to fight fairly. On the other hand, your pistol still hangs at your side, and while you aren't the quickest draw you are an excellent shot. Can you draw and shoot before they can react appropriately remains to be seen, however.
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