Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez

You take a quick step backwards and yank your pistol out from its holster. The men are taken completely off guard, their eyes go wide in a mix of fear and surprise as they follow your movement dumbly, not registering the significance of your chosen course of action.

You squeeze the trigger and fire a bullet trailed by a thick cloud of gun smoke at one of the men. The bullet buries itself into the burly gang member's chest, an explosion of blood emanating from the point of impact. The man falls backwards with the force of the impact and a lack of body control. His face grimaces in pain.

You take aim and fire again as the dirty blonde ruffian and his companion begin to reach for their guns. Your bullet catches the second Vigilante in the side of the head. His hat flies off of his head as though the bullet had hit it rather than the man. The guy's head nods up and down a few times even as the blood begins to roll down the side of his face. His legs go weak as he starts to crumble to the ground.

You take aim with the pistol again and find the dirty blonde in your sight. You start to squeeze the trigger only to find that he has beat you to it. His gun lets forth a loud bang that sends a bullet sailing towards you.

The bullet dives into your chest, an excruciating pain that tears through your flesh and bone only stopping once it has penetrated your heart. Your gun fires into the air as you begin falling to the ground beside the bodies of two of those who dared oppose you.

The dirty blonde Vigilante walks over to stand above you, taking his hat off and holding it over his chest. "'S a shame." He says, shaking his head. "I's a gonna let you live 'till you met with Paco. But you canna go an' kill Vigilantes and not esspec' vegence to be claimed."

He stands above you like some sort of unholy deity, the bringer of death, the sun shining at his back. His is the last image you see before everything goes black for you. Your vision and hearing fade rather quickly. Everything becomes cold.

So cold.
End Of Story