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Paco Valdez


<font face="bookman old style">You raise your hands before you, presenting open palms to them in an effort to convince them that you are willing to go peacefully with them. They laugh at your cowardice and one of them grips at your shoulder.

They are wholly unprepared for your clever ruse.

You spin around on the man who was foolish enough to lay a hand on you, coming in with a hard right hook that dislocates his jaw and sends him sprawling to the ground.

Before the others can react you are upon them like a rabid beast, unleashing a furious assault that neither of them are prepared for. Fist after unrelenting fist slams into their faces. Blood falls in torrential gushes from their faces. Blood from your knuckles intermingle with their life force and pool at your feet.

You stand over their crumpled, bloodied and broken forms. You are victorious. You have left them so horribly disfigured that their own mothers would find themselves hard pressed to identify them.

You look around and take a deep breath, deciding right then and there that you've hung around within reach of the Vigilantes for long enough. It's high time you get the hell out of the area, push on to other territories. There are areas of the nation without deserts, you here. Damn it how you've grown to despise those barren wastelands of sand and cacti.

After filling your canteens with water and purchasing some jerky and oats from the general store, you mount up on Betty and head out of town in a northerly direction. You travel at a steady trot throughout the day, leaving the town of Kallow far behind.

The sun begins to set and you alter your course to head towards it. Sure, there's more desert to the west, you think, but there's something irresistibly appealing about riding off into the sunset.
End Of Story