
Holding your head and grunting in pain, you slowly sit up and slide your legs out from under the bed covers and on to the floor. Then, with all your effort and remaining strength, you very carefully stand up and walk towards the door. Several times you almost collapse on the ground, but your fear of being caught keeps you moving. Stretching out your hand, you turn the door handle and open the door, letting in the light of a beautiful morning.
Sighing in relief, you start off on a small pathway leading from the house, clutching your forhead in agony.

Suddenly, you hear a deep, low growl from the bushes ahead. You stop short and look intently at the brush. The large bush rustles as a large wolf, perhaps one of the ones that were chasing you, steps out of forest edge, snarling at you ferociously.
Your face goes pale as you begin to back up slowly towards the door.
The big wolf continues to advance slowly, still snarling and baring its fangs. You manage to reach behind you, open the cabin door and rush inside before the wolf pounces upon you.
"Okay," you think to yourself, "I suppose there is no way to get out of here."
You stumble over to the feather bed and flop down upon it, breathing hard and holding your head as the headache pounds hard into your skull.

I guess you will have to wait.

You have 1 choice:

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