
You awake the next morning to find yourself lying in a feather bed. You are inside what looks like a small, log cabin, comfortably furnished but very old-looking.
You attempt to sit up, but a massive headache imediately overwhelms you and forces you to lay back down. Looking to your left, you can see two large oak shelves, each one holding bottles of liquid and containers of other strange powders.
Over to your right you notice a large, bronze statue of an old man clutching a long spear in his right hand. The old man's long beard rolls down almost to touch his shoes, and a large bird (bronze as well) is perching on his left shoulder.
"A raven," you whisper to yourself. The old man appears to be weary and fatigued, his face lined with stress and his back slouching like it was burdened with all the troubles of the world.
At the end of the room, a large cauldron boils on a glowing fire, its contents just begining to expell a thin blue mist that hangs near the wooden floor.
The house reminds you severly of a witch's or warlock's domain, and the old looking cabin gives you an eerie feeling. But whoever lives here saved your life, and has not seemed to harm you so far...