
You sit in your bed patiently as you wait for the mysterious owner of the cabin to appear. Only a few minutes pass, when you hear heavy footsteps from outside of the house. Fear clutches at your heart as you imagine the large figure that will soon enter the house and reveal itself.
A man? A monster? Who could tell in this world?
You stare in fright as the door knob is turned and the wooden door is opened.
A large, tall man with a long black beard enters the small house, his large frame barely squeezing through the doorframe and his head barely grazing the ceiling. Your mouth hangs open slightly in awe at his size, his length stretching to at least seven feet tall or more. His blue eyes are kind and gentle, and though he is apparently huge, he does not have a stocky build.
As he enters he imediately fixes his clear eyes at you and stares. Feeling a little awkward, you look down at your feet and pretend not to notice it.
A moment of silence hangs in the air as the large man just stands and stares at you. Suddenly he shakes his head in wonder and grunts.
"I never thought I would see a true Eternal." he grunts to himself, "Never in my life..."
You look up at him with a confused look on your face.
"Forgive me," he says hastily, "there are just so many things I do not know about you."
"And there are so many things I do not know about you." you answer with annoyance.
"Yes, yes..." the tall man strokes his black beard in thought, "My name is Icelus, son of Hypnos. I am one of the four rulers of this land."

You quickly glance around at the old shabby cabin, and raise an eyebrow.
"No offense or anything," you say, "But if you're a ruler, why do you live here?"
"I prefer the solitude of the forest." he answers simply as he sits down near the fire and peers into his steaming cauldron. Icelus appears to be fairly young, maybe in his early forties, but you get a strange feeling he is alot older. Perhaps in the way he moves or talks, you think.
"Do you mind telling me where I am?" you ask with a tired sigh. The black-bearded man turns his head from the black cauldron and looks at you.
"Not at all." he replies as he makes his way across the floor to where you lay. "I will answer all of your questions, if you can think of any. But being an Eternal, things around here might sound very strange to you. Just be prepared to believe in what I say."
"Yes, of course." you answer.
"And after you're done asking, you must answer my questions about you." Icelus reaches out his hand, "Deal?"
"Deal." you reply sullenly as you shake his hand.

"Alright," his voice goes down low, almost as if he is afraid of someone else hearing, "Listen carefully..."

You have 1 choice:

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