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Everything Went Dark

Everyone was woken up by the same bell that rang before bed. That must be how they keep time through all these storms. Someone noticed that Jennan wasn't in the tent with them. She was in the middle of the tent, so it was weird that no one had seen or heard her leave. Oh well, she must have left to go help someone with something. The remaining seven left to go help with anything the pioneers needed.

Once the chores were finished, the bell rang again. This time, Jack got to shout for breakfast time. He asked if he could, and the guy didn't complain. His voice was getting tired. Breakfast was a small portion of a type of meat no one would specify. Tatum passed, she had eaten before they went back in time, so she wasn't that hungry. Her portion was split between a sick woman and her three (also sick) children. Elliana tried to ask the people who cooked the food what kind of meat it was, no one would say.

Apparently it hadn't struck the group what it was until they realized that a few others were missing as well. Addie pointed out that a toddler had the shawl Jennan had been wearing wrapped around her. Tatum realized first. She looked really, really glad that she hadn't eaten anything. But she also looked horrified. Tatum hadn't actually expected anyone to die. Emma asked if she was alright and Tatum simply responded with:

"Shit guys, I think you ate Jennan."

And then everyone else remembered where they were.

Everyone went silent, all were staring at the floor.

Evie finally asked after a long silence,"How will we get back to our time? No one else can use the pocket knife."

And that's when everyone realized: They were stuck in this time. But it was just a game after all, they would just have to play and try to win. If they die, they would probably get sent back to the present.

The group tried to figure out who would have killed Jennan and by asking around to see who else was missing, the group of seven realized that one person from each tent was missing. If they put someone outside and they were still there in the morning and someone else was gone, it would mean that they were one of the cannibals. If they were gone by morning, it would mean they guessed wrong. At this point, technically all of them (but Tatum) were cannibals, but they meant like cannibals who actually killed the people to eat them, not ate them and didn't know they were people. Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyways, yes. There are other cannibals, but the ones you need to worry about are the ones in the group.

That's right, there's more than one. They only took Jennan out to see if they could actually get away with it. They can. Now, they will be taking two at a time, unless you catch them of course.

Night fell and it was time to send one person out for the night. Who do you choose?

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