Everything Went Dark

It was settled: Evie would sleep outside first. The group gave her extra blankets so she wouldn't freeze and said goodnight. A few wished Evie luck. But she shook her head. "I'm innocent. I'll be dead regardless." Those who wished her luck went silent. It was a game, but Evie was doing an excellent job at guilt tripping them. But it was too late to change anything, and Evie could be faking, so they all went to sleep.

The next morning, the group woke up to find Evie gone, Emma gone, and the pioneer's assigned cooks cooking a bunch of meat. They also happened to find clothing and blankets that just appeared out of nowhere. Those were divided among the rest of the camp. Evie and Emma were innocent. In case you were curious, only Elliana, Jordan, Jack, Tatum, and Addie are alive. And knowing where and when they are, they did eat. They were hungry and cold. The meat was warm. Tatum didn't eat, though. She was vegetarian. There wasn't anything else she could eat, so she sat there hungry.

There were reports of a large animal somewhere near camp. They could have a feast if they caught it! Does the small group go help catch and kill the animal?

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