Everything Went Dark

Of course they would go help! Why wouldn't they? Tatum even decided to go, even if she wasn't going to eat the animal. They stuck together in small groups. Tatum and Jack were in a group and Jordan, Addie, and Elliana were in a group. They went off in separate directions.

Jordan, Addie, and Elliana were a little jumpy. Someone stepped on a stick? Absolutely terrifying. They weren't really sure what type of animal they were looking for and how they were supposed to kill it. They debated about returning to camp, saying they had gotten turned around a few times and were also very unsuccessful. And then they heard a few screams. Oh. The three decided that it would be best to go check it out.

They had to walk a bit, but they did find who was screaming. It was Tatum. She was dead. Jack was holding a bloody knife. But there wasn't just Tatum who was dead on the ground. It was Jennan. She hadn't actually died. Well, she did now. But Tatum was wrong. Jennan had probably just gotten lost and found her way back only to be killed. The three stared at Jack, who was staring right back. "Are you gonna explain or..." Elliana started to say.

Jack's eyes widened,"Oh! Yeah! So, um. Jennan attacked Tatum. I pulled Jennan's knife out of Tatum and stabbed Jennan in self defense because I thought Tatum was still alive and was going to attack me as well. She didn't have the chance to, obviously. But I didn't hurt Tatum. At all."

"Wait, you have Jennan's knife?" Addie asked. Jack nodded and lifted the blood knife,"Yeah, why-" "We can go back to the present now!" Jordan said, interrupting Jack. "Right! Come near me, we'll all go back together." The three crowded around Jack. Jack wiped the blood off the knife on his shirt. He paused, trying to remember how to use Jennan's time-traveling knife. He nodded to himself, pretty sure he remembered how to do it. He tapped the knife in a certain spot. The knife began to flash bright colors. "To the present!" He declared loudly. Almost immediately after, the group was sucked through another blur of flashing, swirling colors. They were back at REV in less than a minute.

"So, where's everyone who "died"? Do you think they went home or something?" Addie asked, looking around for the four that had died. Jordan shrugged and took her phone out of her pocket to try to contact them. That's right! They are all back in their modern clothing and had all of their things back. She called Evie. In the distance, the group of four could hear Evie's phone going off. They walked over. The group froze. There were four piles of clothing, along with whatever the friends had on the at the time.

Evie's phone was going off, but there was no Evie to be seen. Tatum, Emma, and Jennan were also gone. "Are they really dead?" Elliana finally said, still staring at the clothing piles. "I think so." Jordan nodded. Upon saying this, the four all backed away from each other. Y'know that one scene from The Office where they are all pointing finger guns at each other? Or that one Pirates in the Caribbean scene where they're holding actual guns at each other? That's kinda what's going on right now. Except they don't have guns or finger guns. They're pointing at each other. They're shouting. It's chaos. They're blaming each other. They're throwing each other under the bus. It's like they're not even friends anymore. This fight didn't end for a while, in fact, it continued even as the sun set and everything went dark.
End Of Story