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Everything Went Dark

Jennan, not realizing what Tatum said, repeated 'The Donner Party!' Evie nudged Tatum and gave her a 'what the hell have you done?!' kinda look. Tatum shrugged. And then everything went do I describe this. Very epilepsy warning? Remember the mini rave? That took over everything, sucking the four into nowhere. Blue, white, purple, yellow, green, pink, white, red, red, orange, pink, white, green, blue, purple. They were traveling back in time to The Donner Party. The four were spun around at a very fast (and nauseating) speed. And then they were plopped down onto the snow-covered ground in the middle of a thick forest. They were here! In the 1800s, freezing cold, and hungry Donner Party camp!

Four others were nearby, they must have been near The Elements as they had used the pocket knife time machine. Who were they...oh! It was people they knew! Evie and Jennan waved them over and asked why they had been at REV. Even though they were confused, they explained why they were there. Elliana had a tennis thing and Addie had given her a ride. Jordan had biked over to REV for a track meet and Emma was at REV for an ASB thing. They had all just happened to be near when the original four had time traveled back to The Donner Party camp.

No one had seen them just appear out of the blue from a bright neon void. They were far away though. The group saw smoke in the distance, meaning they were still a walking distance away. That was fine. They can walk for a bit. And they did. It honestly kinda hurt. Their clothing and shoes were thin and walking in snow and untraveled forest results in people tripping, getting scratched, and becoming so cold it hurts from the snow. It was rather unfortunate that their clothes changed to fit the time period. In case you're unaware, the clothing is all like pioneer and pilgramy clothes. Oh! And just so you're aware, all of this group's modern belongings had disappeared. They were being kept in the void for safekeeping along with their modern clothing.

When they finally approached the pioneers of the Donner Party, they were all suspicious. So Emma and Jack convinced the group that the eight had gotten separated from the other group and had seen the smoke of the campfire. The pioneers accepted that response and welcomed them into their camp. Someone informed them that they are close to being out of food and have resorted to eating tree bark. Lovely. And unlike what the actual members of the Donner Party knew, the eight had realized that the group hadn't actually started eating each other yet.

And then someone rang a bell, shouting that it was night time.

The eight all exchanged looks, someone could die tonight.

The eight all crowded into a small tent they were given to share and went to sleep, unsure of what would happen the next day.

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