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Everything Went Dark

Jennan pulled out her pocket knife. Everyone put their hands on Jennan's shoulder. Jennan flicked open her pocket knife and it started to glow bright white. Jack nudged Jennan. Jennan tapped the knife and it started flashing bright neon rainbow lights. Like a rave! Jack nodded. He just wanted a mini rave. Evie started to shimmy from side to side. Every rave needs to have some dancing right? Jennan closed her eyes. the lights were bright. She asked Tatum, who had also started to dance like Evie was, to pick a moment in history to go back to.

It really wasn't smart to ask the person whose favorite moments in history were only the really deadly and tragic ones to choose where to go back in the past. There were so many events that Tatum could have chosen, like the Triangle Factory Fire, the Salem Witch Trials, and the Titanic which isn't a choice due to long typing hours and such. So instead, Tatum chose...

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